Side Projects

Featured & Popular Projects

Bookstack2Site (2022)

Convert your bookstack wiki into a static site using SSGs like MdBook.

Source Code

HookMsg (2020-2021)

HookMsg - create webhooks (remote triggers) to execute scripts (bash, python, whatever) on your machine (kind of like a simpler CGI). It also acts like a notification system and gotify alternative.

Stack: Go

Source Code

BetterBin (2021)


BetterBin - self-hosted pastebin, link shortner and file drop solution.

Stack: Go, SQLite

Source CodeDocker Hub

The Bot Army Project (2016-2021)


Behold my private Bot Army!

InstaTg (2021) - Instagram to Telegram Channel Bot. Can access posts from any public Instagram account or an account that you follow. Source Code

WhatsAppAutoJoinBot (2021) - My Uni used WhatsApp for most unofficial communication during coronavirus “study from home”. Naturally, students shared homework/assignments/quiz answers with each other. WhatsApp has a limit of 256 members so you need to join quiz and homework share groups fast before they get filled up. I built this bot to automatically join WhatsApp groups matching certain rules because I used to miss out as I wasn’t active on WhatsApp. Source Code

PrequelMemes Spambots (2021) - I made some stupid spambots for the Reddit and Discord communities of Star Wars PrequelMemes during the prequelmemes bot uprising of 2021. (Basically the mods decided that bots were legal for a month so several hundred people made spambots.)

Article Content Bot (2019) - Reddit bot that takes a linked webpage, parses it, and if it’s an article, posts text content of the article in a comment below, thus removing the need to actually visit the webpage. This was used on multiple subreddits but one day I shut it down because I got bored of karma-whoring on Reddit. Source Code

RSS to Telegram Bot (2017-2018) I built this for running Telegram channels like world news and technology news but shut them down because I started using FreshRSS.

Truecaller Telegram Bot (2018) - A telegram bot that used an unofficial API to identify phone numbers. Truecaller finds contact details globally, given name or telephone number. This thing worked well for a couple of months, but then Truecaller changed something at their backend and it died. Source Code

MarvelStudiosBot (2018) - Reddit bot for /r/marvelstudios on reddit. This was made with the permission of the mods after a user requested it. However, it was banned by a new, angry mod after it became too spammy. In its 15 day run, it got approximately 13,000 upvotes. Also entered the sub’s pop culture. Had regular stuff like auto-correct and cool stuff like the !RedditVibranium currency. Source Code

Meme Subreddit to Twitter Bot (2017) - used Reddit API to get the top-upvoted memes of the day and post them to Twitter. Killed off now.

Friday (2016-2017) - started as an intelligent, Siri-like Telegram bot; never actually saw the light of day in its intended form as 15 year old me realized that natural language processing is hard. So I reused Friday Code to make an IRC bot style digital assistant for Telegram. I also ported it to Matrix. Killed off now.

Argon Dokuwiki Theme (2020)


GitHub stars

Argon - a clean, responsive, modern template for Dokuwiki.

Source CodeDokuwiki Listing

LokiBoard Android Keylogger (2019)


Keylogging Keyboard for Android.

GitHub stars Play-Downloads

Play StoreSource Code

Disclaimer: I have no association with any forks or mods floating around the internet that add malicious functionality.

Exponential Quiz Webapp (2019)


Online quiz webapp with exponential scoring. Originally built for a CCS-TIET event.

Stack: Django + Postgres for the backend.


  • Standard Quiz Features.
  • Exponential Scoring and negative marking.
  • Know your score after each answer submission.
  • User auth for both quiz makers and students.
  • Images/Code/Text in questions.
  • Anti cheat. (Note: The Anti Cheat features give false positives on Firefox so please use other browsers for the test or disable anti-cheat.)

Source Code

Super Smash Bros 3DS Graphics Pack (2019)


So these are some textures that I upscaled with Waifu2x for Smash Bros 3DS a while ago. The fonts and some other things have been fixed. Looks great with 4x internal resolution. Can be loaded into Citra Emulator the usual way.

These days there are better gfx packs out there, use them instead of this.


Abifog Open Directory Search Tool (2019)


Find open directories using Open Directory Search Tool.

GitHub stars

LinkSource Code

BVCMUN Websites and Apps (2014-2016)


I was the lead web and app developer for the BVCMUN 2015 and 2016 conference and was a part of the IT team.

Archived Versions:

White House Race Game (2016)


The race for the White House is on. There are just two players left in the game, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. Will the United States become Trumpistan or the next Clinton-Kitchen ? You Decide !

Stack: JavaScript + Apache Cordova

Play StoreSource Code

Amphritite Theme (2016)


A coming-soon style responsive HTML/CSS website theme. Has a slider and a counter. Free. Cool. Open-Source.

Stack: Bootstrap 3, jQuery

Source CodeDemo

Miscellaneous Projects

UptimeBot (2022)

Log downtimes (based on no response or unexpected HTTP status code) and send webhook alerts if needed. Source Code

Photoview Fork (2021)

Photoview fork with a search view. Forked because I used hacky functionality to achieve this and that shoddy hack shouldn’t be upstreamed. Source Code

Page Visibility User Script (2020-2021)

Prevent websites from knowing if you have opened a new tab/window or if you are using a different application, etc. This userscript blocks the page visibility API and to some extent the old blur/focus APIs. Source Code

reddit-img-dl (2021)

Downloader for media submissions to Supports both subreddits and users. Fork of reddit-dl. Source Code

GNOME DAV Support Shim (2021)

Gnome’s online account integration doesn’t support standalone CalDAV and CardDAV servers, but does support NextCloud which uses CalDAV/CardDAV underneath. This shim emulates NextCloud and redirects DAV URLs to your DAV server of choice. Source Code

OnePageWiki (2021)

When you want a webpage thats easily editable and no other BS. Zero JS. Markdown Based. Built in Go. Source Code

PicoInit (2021)

A service manager for seedboxes and non-root user accounts. Built in Go. Source Code

MegaScripts (2021)

Create and manage mega accounts in bulk. Source Code

RequestBin (2020)

Like httpbin, but you can log requests to view them later. Built in Go. Source Code

Flask-React-Boilerplate (2020)

Boilerplate code for integrating flask backend with react frontend. Source Code

Laser Security System (2019)

NodeMCU based electrical project with a web app that notifies you when someone tresspasses your preset perimeter. Source Code

FaceInfo (2019)

Upload an image, and get facial info like estimated age, gender, emotion, etc. Built using Flask + Microsoft Azure Face APIs. Source Code

PerryPong (2019)

Play as Phineas and try to defeat Ferb at PerryPong. Work on Linux, Windows and macOS. Source Listing

Stack: Love2D + Lua

ChatRooms (2019)

Realtime chat application, complete with user authentication and multi-channel support. Built using Flask. Source Code

Kvantum-Install-Script-Fedora (2018)

This script compiles and installs the kvantum theme engine for KDE on Fedora. (no longer needed, kvantum is now in the repos.) Source Code

TextTools App (2017)

Modify text on your phone! Built with Apache Cordova. Play StoreSource Code